Today is Jeans for Genes day and on the way into work, I had the usual panic. "What if I've got the wrong day and turn up at the office and I'm the only one in jeans, I'll look a right fool." And then I remembered that the vast majority of scruffy bastards at my place wear jeans every day anyway. Apart from today, when I'm the only one in jeans.
But why Jeans for Genes? What have they done to warrant getting my money, apart from some nifty alliteration (or is it assonance? I know its onomatopoeia because I can't spell that). I mean really, if all we needed was a pair of words that sound alike then we could have:-
Shirts for Shits day - for research into Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Chron's Disease. "Wear you shirt and stops shits for a day!"
Hats for Twats day - Either the money can be used for researching why some people follow Manchester City or it can be invested into the prevention of Thrush.
At the end of this month it'll be four months since I got my suit and then I'll start calling it "my grey suit". (MB waits while everyone scrolls down and finds the start of the joke which was in the middle of the last post. I'm drumming my fingers now, do keep up!)
Shorts for Shorts - Making sure that everyone who wants one has a midget as one of their friends.
Blouses for Houses - All the money goes to helping first time buyers getting on the property ladder.
Bracelets for Face-lifts - Keep the divorced Cheshire wives set looking 21 well into their forties.
I also found out that yesterday was Organ Donor Day and today is also National Courtesy Day. So will you all just fuck off and leave me alone, I've got to go and give away a kidney.