If the cosmos really does apportion karma dependent on how one behaves - then I must have done something very naughty. I don't think I have been sinful enough to come back in the next life as a disabled person or Glenn Hoddle but I seem to have had a year's worth of bad luck in the last few days.
Take yesterday for example where every silver lining seems to have a dirty big grey cloud attached to it. I wake up and, as is my want, I turn the computer on and the shower on and decide to rest my eyes again while the shower warms up. By the time I had woken up again and got into the shower - not only had it warmed up but it had also cooled down and used up all the hot water.
I also had problems with my iPod. I haven't been able to update any of the songs on the iPod because my new computer crashes every time I plug my iPod in. This is very annoying.
I also pulled the handle off my fridge door.
I had tram problems too. I waited 12 minutes for the first tram to arrive, which was packed tighter than a Yorkshire pub selling beer at half price. And then the next one arrived and that is packed. And then the next one came and went. I got on the fourth tram after waiting more than 30 minutes on the freezing cold platform. I remembered to mind the gap at Trafford Bar when I stepped off the Tram.
After playing "Empty Cans" by the Streets, my iPod stops. I look down and it's frozen so I reboot it. And then the worst possible thing happens. My iPod seems to have wiped all my songs! (For my older readers, this is the "New World" equivalent of losing your ration book)
I also have other problems. Due to the increased amount of driving I have had to do over the holiday period and after slipping on some laminate flooring, my hip is playing up. So it came as no surprise that I got into work, stubbed my toe and sent a shockwave up through my hip, causing me to scream like a child.
But I don't mind. I had a strong coffee made for me. A very strong coffee. It had 3 teaspoons of coffee in. So much for the New Year's Resolution of cutting back on the caffeine. This has made me numb to everything and I no longer see the glass as half empty. There are plus sides to everything.
I can now fly to Tesco at lunch.