Firstly, I don't think it's that big of a difference and secondly, I am quite sensitive about it so please don't mention it. I suppose I should explain for those of you that haven't yet seen the new me - I appear daily on the CCTV footage on Channel M - I have had quite a lot of hair cut off and had it coloured to what should be blonde.
I have had lots of shocked looks from my friends mixed with a few screams of anguish. I have been likened to Brad Pitt, That New James Bond and Eminem (all good) and the scottish bloke russ abbot played, a thug, Chris Evans and Paul Scholes (all bad). And I think I have a new found respect from my home boys in da hood.
I suppose there is an upside. I do seem to scare young children and I now have a cast iron excuse for doing anything. Yesterday when I put my wallet in the inside pocked of my coat on the right hand side and then spent ages looking for it in the left hand side pocket - that is ok. I am not the stupidest person in the world, I'm just ditzy and dumb because I'm blonde.
I wonder if Doctors can get away with this?
"You removed his liver! He was only in for an ingrown toe nail."
"Oooops, must be because I'm blonde."
Has it ever been used as a defence in a court of law?
"The defendant is a bit ditzy. She was supposed to just have lunch with her in-laws when she accidentally got an Uzi out and repainted the living room."
So now I have a carte blanche - or carte bleached - to do anything I want and blame it on my hair.