I'm blind as a bat. I cannot see. I have lost my glasses. Only fellow glasses wearers will know how this is absolutely the worst thing that can ever happen. Ever. Being a contact lens wearer too, I am not too freaked out. I only have to avoid getting run over, walking into lamp posts and tripping over children until I get home tonight - then I can see again.
I've been trying to think where I lost them. I have a pair of very expensive Oakley sunglasses which I wear every day during the summer for two reasons: firstly, they help with my hayfever which is really bad in the mornings and secondly I'm a poser. I wore them to work this morning and had my 'seeeing' glasses in my bag. I think I remember having to move them when I had to get my ticket out to be checked on the tram this morning.
Yes that's it. I must have knocked them out of my bag then. So, I call to see if they've been handed in. Thankfully and for the first time ever, being a tram geek, will pay off - I am able to tell them exactly where I was stood on tram, what time the tram arrived, where it was going and what the driver looked like. I explain to the woman that he looked just like my friend Tim. I think that helped her. They claim not to have had them handed in.
So I will have to soldier on today.
I am currently only 3 inches from the screen and have the resolution set at "Old Lady" size of 800x600. And I can only make out fuzzy lines on the screen. So if there are any typos in this post that is why! In fact if you ever see any typos, spelling mistakes, gramatical errors or anything like that - the explanation is that I didn't have my glasses on.
Yes. That should work.