Its one of the hardest decisions I have to make on a day to day basis. I can spend hours agonising over the choices. Don't get me started on the problems I have deciding if I should watch Big Brother or Celebrity Love Island. And I can spend hours arguing with myself over if I should use the :) smiley or if I am actually happy enough to use :D
For life and death decisions like these, I try to gain all the information I can. I do not want to be branded an ignorant racist by disregarding the works of certain artist but it is one of life's key turning points - deciding what to read while on the toilet. I do not buy a daily newspaper or this problem would be solved, I prefer to steal my news from impartial bloggers and the Guardian’s RSS feed. I have several choices:
- Pick up the latest copy of Men’s Health, although looking at muscular men on the toilet is not something I am inclined to do.
- Flicking through City Life is usually a good way to pass two minutes but I feel that this could be a longer appointment.
- Books containing collections of comics like Dilbert are perfect. As each cartoon only takes thirty seconds to read, a reading session can be perfectly tailored to fit the length of time available. So if anyone wants to buy me one……
- These new mobile phone-thingys offer a range of games which are ideal for playing on the toilet but most require concentration.
In the end I have settled for the good old fall back and use the Argos catalogue. Oooh, look! They have 66 x 54in Pair of Lima Tab Top Curtains in Spice. And they have tie backs!!!
Damn! I’ve no time to look at the calligraphy curtains in terracotta, its time to flush.