Ok so that's not the most original title for a post. I think it has been used before. But I am serious, I do have a dream. Being a criminal-hugging, tax-raising left wing liberal I would like to see everyone having a fair crack in society. There should be a level playing field where nobody is stereotyped or pigeon-holed. Everyone should be judged not by the colour of their skin but on the content of their heart.
Kinda like the first night of Big Brother.
I know nothing about these 13 people and so can judge them all instantly. Derek seemed like a nice person; he's black, gay, a Tory and a fox hunter. So he managed to piss off Daily Mail and Guardian readers in one swoop. Which is impressive.
This year, the producers seems to have managed to get representatives from all over society. They have managed find someone who holds vehement and racist views about immigration and they have also managed to find someone whose family were immigrants. And in a master stroke, they are the SAME person.
They've ticked all the boxes. A good cross section of people from all over society - slappers, rappers, wide boys and lady boys. The only people they seem to have missed out were normal people. And they have a witch. Now I'm as skeptical about this voodoo thing as the next person although her first spell, to turn the French into Kilroy-loving, Euro-skeptics, is working well.
But we all know that there's only one way we can check to see if she really is a witch - weigh her against some ducks. Either that or its the time honoured tradition of being burnt at the stake. C'mon channel 4 you could tie it in with Pioneer House and bring back the Salem witch hunt.
The national campaign starts here.