Everyone has a plan for winning the lottery. Most people would quit work immediately and start buying a car-a-day. Not me, I'd stay around for a bit, although I would start buying cars. I'd mainly stay to see how much money it would take to get the other two guys in my office to kiss each other and do some crazy Jackass style stunts.
Of course, the long term plan would be to open some sort of fitness / sports / football centre, for the kids. I'd love to be able to give something back to the people of Manchester and this would be the best way to do it. I'd like to give people something to aspire to and take inspiration from. Is there a better way to touch kids than through sport?
In fact, you give me any amount of lottery money and I know exactly what I'd do with it. £500,000 - still carry on working but live in a big house mortgage free, buy a new car for all the family, have a big party and take all my friends and family on holiday. £200,000 - I'm probably moving, living mortgage free and buying a new car. £10,000 - I'm buying a car. Hell, I reckon I'd even know what to do if you gave me £250.
So this Christmas I was bought a table top dish washer by my parents. A very thoughtful gift that they'd co-ordinated with My Canadian Girlfriend on and something I was surprised to get but really needed. There was a big problem or to be more exact a 2cm problem. It didn't fit in the space that I had reserved should anyone read my thoughts (or my letter to Santa) and buy me a table top dishwasher.
A quick exchange for a smaller one and we're fine. Except the brand new plates I have been bought My Canadian Girlfriend (see I told you it was co-ordinated) are too big for the dish washer that was too big. As strange as it seems I would prefer to keep the plates than the dishwasher - partly because of the sentimental value that I'll always attach to the plates and partly because I had already started eating off them.
The next step of course is to try and think of things that I would prefer instead. I'm getting tired of having to spend 30 minutes a day trying to put the left lens back into my glasses so a new pair would be nice. I could maybe get a new leather jacket? I hate having to think of things I want or need. It's hard enough when I have the pre-Christmas TV adverts telling me exactly what to buy.
24 hours after leaving the dishwasher with my Dad, I get a phone call.
"I've got a gift card for you to pick up." My Dad says.
"Cool, that's very kind of you" I say.
"It's for Comet - we returned the dishwasher and got a gift card instead. We've also rounded it up!"
"Wow, I don't know what to say!"
"Well we thought you could use it to get a big screen TV"
While I already have a big screen TV, a bigger screen TV is always an option. But then that saddles me with the problem of finding an extra few hundred pounds to make sure that I get a really big screen. Shortly after I hang up to my Dad, my mobile phone rings again. I have now had more phone calls in 2008 than I did during all of 2007.
"Hi" says my little sister "What's up?"
"I'm OK - I'm just out shopping in Tompan"
"Have you spoken to Dad?" she asks leadingly.
"Yes I have - they've exchanged the dishwasher and got a gift card."
"Great! Now you can buy that big screen TV you've always wanted."
The cogs begin to tick over in my head.
"When you get your new TV" she asks building up to a four-question-mark question, "what are you going to do with the old one????"
I see. So this is who is responsible for hatching this diabolical scheme. So just to spite her I need something else to spend the money on.
- Laptop / Computer - Like this TV, this gift card would simply be a down payment on the laptop and leave me with a massive shortfall. Plus if I got a new Laptop or Computer it would probably be an Apple. Don't ask me why because I don't know but it would.
- Xbox 360 - I can already feel My Canadian Girlfriend's icy stare hitting me on the back of the neck as I type. And she isn't even in the same post code as me.
- Wii - I could appease her and get the woman's version of an Xbox 360 but the lack of Halo 3 wouldn't really sell it to me.
- Slingbox AKA the watch your TV over the Internet thing - This would be good but to make it work I'd really need Sky. And if I'm getting Sky, I'd need Sky Sports. And if I'm getting Sky Sports then I'd need a friend who lived abroad to chip in so he could watch the Premier League matches. But since my friend is tighter than Wayne Rooney's NikePro under-shirt, this isn't going to happen.
We'll call this the "Comet Conundrum".