I may be dull but I'm chatty and like to have a good conversation - if I followed that by GSOH then I could have a winning personals advert. However, there are some things that not even I will put up with when it comes to holding a conversation:-
1. Hearing about people's ancestry. I don't care if your Great, Great, Great, Great Grandad was living on a barge in some Canal when they took some random census in the mid 18th century or how his daughter is mysteriously listed as being someone else's child. Unless your story involves a 16th Century Monk transcribing Holy Grail as Holy Blood which means you can prove that you are a direct descendant of Lot's Wife - the one who became a pillar of salt - then I don't want to know. (Sidebar: If you are interested to know how my Ancestors came to own the Largest Diamond in Colne - I will get my dad to tell you.)
2. Seeing other people's holiday snaps. "Ooooh, another picture of a waiter called Manuel! And you've got another four CDs to come?" This also goes for holiday videos, unless they are funny enough to get on Harry Hill's You've Been Framed. This does not include any photos taken by My Television Wrecking Canadian Girlfriend who has been in Canadia for the past few days. I am genuinely interested in her photos - I will not be faking interest just to get to the end of them so I can score.
3. Moaning about being bored. What is worse than someone moaning that they're bored? Someone moaning that they're bored and then when they're offered something to do, they don't do it.
At work:
"MB, I have nothing to do!"
"You could write an exploratory strategy on how we could use a Semantic Web 2.0 front end, using SOAP and XMLHTTP, as a way of synergising our communication strands and improving our interactability and personalisation. You should also include how this meme will help us work towards our global strategic and developmental needs as an organisation."
"I don't want to!"
At home:
"MB, I have nothing to do tonight!"
"You could write an exploratory strategy on how we could use a Semantic Web 2.0 front end, using SOAP and XMLHTTP, as a way of synergising our communication strands and improving our interactability and personalisation. You should also include how this meme will help us work towards our global strategic and developmental needs as an organisation."
"Sorry I find it hard to switch off after a long day.... You could come over here and do my dishes."
"I don't want to!"
Note: There is a difference between being bored and lazy.
You will notice that I have not included the weather on this list. For one simple reason, talking about the weather gives people like me a good "in" when it comes to conversation with strangers and semi-strangers. Take Today - the weather is very strange in Manchester. I went out of the house in my sunglasses and "spring" jacket and it's a nice bright day. But the person next to me on the tram wasn't out of place with their gloves on.
So be glad that the weather is so random because if you're caught in a hail storm on Spring Bank Holiday, someone somewhere will now be able to hold a conversation with a stranger about it. These strangers may fall madly in love with each other and make lots and lots of babies.
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