My mother some how got on a "Suckers" list. It was one of those "household trends national statistics what's the nation doing marketing" things. She would be sent a survey every year on or around the day of the World Snooker Championship final. She must've had them for about 5 years on the trot in the 80s and she carried on receiving them until one year she just stopped filling them in.
It was a hefty tome, about 40 pages of questions. It would ask a whole range of questions about the past fortnight. It would even go as far as asking what brand of toothpaste you use. They would be very intrusive and could in the wrong hands be used to steal our identity. But these were more innocent times. We would sit there filling it out together as some form of bonding exercise.
"What did you do after school last Wednesday?" she would say.
"Wednesday? I probably came home and watched TV until the snooker finished at 10." I'd reply.
"Hmmmm, I'll put that you went to scouts - I've got your Big Sister down as 'Violin Tuition' so I suppose your Father could've dropped you off on the way to that.... Do you remember what we had for tea on the 23rd? Was it egg and chips?"
"Thursday? Yeah it was. Don't you remember? I burst my 'Her' Egg Yolk with a pointy chip and she stormed out crying, shouting 'I hate you!' at the top of her voice."
"Well I don't want to put that, Egg and Chips sounds so common - I'll put Spag Bol. Yeah that'll work, because I've put your dad down as going to a conference on that day and he doesn't like Spag Bol so that would make sense if you were reading it..... But now I've got to find something to put for Sunday, because we *actually* had Spag Bol then didn't we? I'll put casserole... Chicken casserole, because we've had red meat twice that week."
This carried on until Dennis Taylor sank the final black and stood there holding his cue aloft in both hands. And that is why I never trust statistics.
I think it was this sort of food related lateral thinking which has influenced my current diet. I have become a creature of habit. The data collected on my Nectar card must make for boring reading. Someone, somewhere sits in their office watching their computer - "It's Saturday afternoon, MB's shopping. Braeburn Apples, Cous Cous, Mint Green and Blacks, 3 Pack of Mixed Peppers, Milk and Bran Flakes. Man this guy is boring." So when something comes along to upset this fine balance, I tend to blow it out of all proportion.
The other day was "Bread and Butter Pudding" day in the work canteen. It only comes around once every three weeks and my entire diet is structured around getting some B&B pudding on that day. I avoid all sugary treats the two days beforehand so I can fully appreciate it and I plan a light meal the evening after it because I know I'll be stuffed.
So when I get to the canteen and pay up front for Bread and Butter pudding only to go back after eating my sandwich and find that they have sold out - that really pisses me off.
It nearly pisses me off as much as these dead people I keep seeing, especially the ones who don't know they're dead.