I got up at 6:00AM my usual work-waking-up-time. I showered, ate my Bran Flakes and drank my tea. I waxed my hair. I styled my hair. I laid my suit out on the bed. I re-styled my hair. I put my shirt, my tie and my suit on and sat by my computer. I got up and checked my hair again.
This morning I am working from home as I wait for my phone to be delivered. Unlike most people who see this as an excuse to have a lie in, paint the garage door, wash the car, shoot rabbits or write that novel they've been meaning to start, I actually intend to do some work. No really I do. However, rather than working flat out, I am only going to replicate the hour of meaningful work I'd have done in the office.
Hmm, that Scottish bird on GMTV is nice looking. She used to do the same Uni course as a friend of mine. I wonder if he has her phone number. No! Must work.
An hour passes and I call the major logistics company. The package will be delivered before 1 PM today - Yipee! I suddenly realise what I have done. I have just broken the key rule of a Customer facing organisation. You never chase something up. To prosper; don't pester. I can see it now, the driver is in the lay-by round the corner and is using my phone as a football and there's no chance I'll see the phone before 12:55.
I've been very good, apart from a few personal emails, which I'd have sent at work anyway, I've been working non-stop for the past 2 hours. I decide to have a brew and watch the Homes under the Hammer for my ten minute VDU break. There's no way that Newsagents was worth that!
I go back to working, staring out the window watching for the van and occasionally looking at eBay. And then my package arrives. I really should apologise to the major logistics company. I was wrong to doubt their integrity, it did arrive in one piece and earlier than I expected. It arrived at 12:53.
I feel like a father at the end of paternity leave, as I leave my baby, head to work and try and not spend all the time thinking about getting home and playing with it. Although I don't think father's usually stick a Nokia phone charger in their baby's bottom.