I need something to give up. Smoking was easy. I quit before I'd even started. It is five years in May since I last had an alcoholic drink. I gradually weaned myself off breast milk and it only took me ten years. I quit having sugar in my tea and coffee - this one was easy, mainly because I found some icky looking brown substance in my sugar at University and couldn't be bothered going out to get some more. And I am controlling the urges to club baby seals over the head.
I am gradually getting rid of every bit of fun and entertainment in my life.
I like a challenge, so what next? Caffeine?
I am down to two cups of coffee a day. And I know that that isn't a lot but I am worried - especially after having seen the number of recent blog posts in which I am drinking coffee or spilling coffee or talking about coffee. Like a Deal or No Deal contestant, I never know if the next one is going to be the one that drives me over the edge. And I give way too much of my "hard-earned" to Starbucks.
However, I am not sure what effect giving up caffeine will have on my limited blogging ability. There is a slim chance that caffeine is clouding my creative juices and limiting me to a relentless string of knob jokes and "then I got off the bus" comedy or, should I take the risk that the caffeine actually my inspiration and the only thing that is stopping my writing descending into naval-gazing Dawson's Creek style angst of a Live-Journaler or from bashing out posts about unfunny things just because I have a self-imposed publishing schedule to keep to.
To be honest though, I don't ever see me quitting coffee. The main reason is because if I quit coffee - then the only thing I have left to quit is chocolate. And let's not go there, eh?
Oooohhh! Kettle's boiled.