I am depressed!!!
I knew very early on today that it would be the equivalent of having speakers superglued to your head and with a Starsailor Album blasted into your ear drums.
It started when I put my contact lenses in and the solution I use had not neutralised itself. It kinda hurt when I put the lens in and when I say kinds hurt, imagine someone rubbing sand-paper across your eyeball while dripping molten lava into your tear duct.
And then I go out to find it is raining. You may not believe this but it does rain in Manchester. It was cold and rainy. The dirty magazines that littered the bushes on my way to the tram were becoming soaked and unusable. I began pining for the summer when at least the rain was warm.
Not even a squashy coffee could lift the grey clouds forming in my mind. Admittedly, pushing the plunger caused a bit of a smile. Not because I was pretending it was dynamite, like I usually do, but because the Cafetiere made a "little bottom noise" on its way down. The smile was short lived because my drink had grains of coffee floating in it.
And my Bluetooth iPod Headphones are broken.
And its Monday.
And I keep getting hammered in Football Manager 2006.
And I have nothing inspiring to do at work.
And I need a hair cut.
And its five weeks until my next day off work.
And my computer keeps crashing randomly.
And its thirty-some years until I can retire.
At least I have my health.
Its being so cheerful that keeps me going.