"Attention Idiots!"
Uh oh, things are getting serious. The sign guy is back.
"I have repeatedly asked residents not to put any rubbish in this building and these notices have repeatedly been ignored. I will state it again - Rubbish put in this building will not be collected. It needs to be put in a bin."
"I know who it is who is leaving the rubbish here, I have seen you do it. You are guilty of Illegal Tipping - I have reported you to the Council who will take immediate action against you. The SITE MANAGER is also aware of the situation."
Three things sprang to mind:
1. This guy is pure comedy. Long may he continue as that way I don't have to come up with any original material to write about. Although his continued sign goings on is delaying a very funny story about Mini owners and also the "Sock it to 'em" campaign.
2. Ha! I can't see a Council ever doing anything immediate. Plus they'll all be winding down for Christmas.
3. I can't believe he has reported them to the Site Manager. Its like being grassed up to the head master for trying to look up Gillian's skirt in Junior School. No one likes a snitch. If he was in prison, he'd have to be careful in the shower.
I am in a moral quandary. He reminds me a lot of Palestine. I like the objectives and the over arching aims - getting back land which was once yours, making sure rubbish is put in the bin and getting fair treatment of a minority. But I'm not sure I like the methods - suicide bombings, writing notes and killing innocent people. Hmmm, something needs to be done to lighten this up.