"This is another Rubbish Notice!!!"
The self appointed thought police and head of the resident's committee is angry, again. They are using a larger and bold-ier font. They resort to using a red letters at one point! Someone is very upset.
"Even after putting my polite notice on this door, people have continued to put rubbish in here. Today I have had a telephone conversation with the local council and they have confirmed to me that they will not collect rubbish that is not in bins. Today I have had to move a box with the words "CHARLOTTE'S CRAP" written on it, along with other garbage. If this continues, I will have no option but to search through the trash in an attempt to identify where it has come from so I can deal with each resident individually. A fellow resident."
I stand reading the notice, after returning late at night from a secret meeting with secret people. As I stand there using the back-light from my Nokia 6630 to read the note, I look up towards one of the flats which overlook the bin place. I see the curtains twitching and a face looking out, checking to see if I am putting rubbish in there. I can feel the eyes of the world watching me.
The next day I am sitting at my desk installing my new wireless network and I see someone go up to the door and read the notice. They stand, rubbish in hand reading this lengthy tome. They look thoughtful. They open the door and put their black bag inside the building.