I can't look and I won't look. Well ok maybe a sneaky peak.
I am stood at a urinal at the Test Match. Since I know people who know people who have pictures of people going into a hotel room with a man who isn't their wife, I get to use one of the bathrooms in the executive box buildings. I follow normal male proceedure and with someone standing at the far left urinal, I choose the far right one leaving three spare ones between us.
And then in he walks, Mr David Gower. He also follows procedure and chooses the middle one of the three remaining urinals. He was one of my childhood heroes. He was the reason I tried to learn how to bat left handed. This was aborted very qucikly. I was there when he broke Boycott's long standing record and became England's leading batsman. I have so many things I want to ask him. But I stick the the procedure and remain silent. Damn these infernal rules.
However, I do notice that being a flamboyant left hander he was using the much touted back-hand over-the-top technique as opposed to the under-hand supportive hold. Which is exactly what I'd expect from his public school up bringing. When he is done, he shakes and pulls. Well la-de-da Mr Diamond Encrusted Loafers.
And then, he leaves without washing his hands.
Meeting your heros isn't all its cracked up to be.