I have been tagged!!!
I have never been tagged before apart from by Andrew at infant's school. I could've swore we were playing tickey-bob-down but it turns out we were playing tickey-shadow. So this being my first time, I'm not entirely sure what I should do. All I know is that I have to write five things about myself that I haven't written about before.
1. I used to have "Champ Bear" from the Care Bear collection. I slept with him until I left home for Uni. He was the most masculine of the Care Bears and taught me that second place is the first of the losers. But the losers should be praised, because if it weren't for them losing then my winning would feel a lot emptier. I also bought Grumpy Bear because I wanted to see if I could make him smile.
3. I've always had a problem with counting.
2. Back in school I finished third bottom of the class when we did a surprise test on the 50 most misspelled words in GCSE exams. I was very good at learning words to spell but very bad at remembering them after the test. Of the two people that came below me, one of them was diagnosed as being dyslexic a year later and I've always been worried that I could be but never had it checked. Although thanks to the little red squiggly line in Word, I never need to remember any spellings ever again.
3. Its very self centred but a lot of times I wonder if people exist when I can't see them. I've always viewed the world like a computer game - when I turn a corner the vectors and lines of the room are then drawn. I am glad I don't live in a 486 computer otherwise there would be a considerable amount of loading time every time I tried to enter the room. I have yet to face an "End of Level" boss.
4. I've told a lot of lies in my life. Some big - "Of course I'm not going to United vs Liverpool on Good Friday, the reason I can't go on the field trip is because I'm involved at the Church's 'Walk of Witness'" - to the small - "No of course I don't think Kirsten Dunst is more attractive than you!". And I feel guilty about all of them.
5. I've always seen my blog as more of a real world story / book rather than a "blog", which is why I don't like being tagged because it's all a bit non-canon. It's also the reason why I don't tend to read many other blogs and why I don't go around commenting on everyone's blog. And that, I think, is one of the reasons why my face will never "fit" in the lofty blog circles. And that's why I'm not gonna tag anyone else.