I have a day off!!!
And this is an actual day off too with nothing to do. This is quite unusual for me. I normally like to fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds run. After all I want to be a man my son. But today I have nothing on.
I do have to polish my shoes. But apart from that I have nothing to do.
I am also planning on going to the gym, running 5k and doing some weights but for me that is doing nothing. And I have to go to the post office. And I'm watching Wolf Creek (Which scores peach on the MB Fruit-Movie-ometer - Get to the killing bit already!!!)
With all this emptiness I am starting to feel a bit bored and under appreciated. (This is not a plea for both of my loyal readers leave "You're great comments." But if you want to leave them I am not going to stop you.) I wish I had a birthday coming up or something. That is one problem with having my Birthday in November - once Christmas is out of the way, it's a whole 11 months before I can celebrate again.
I wish I could have something to enjoy and blow out of all proportion. I suppose I could celebrate the Queen's 80th Birthday but it would be better if I could find something that was actually worthwhile. I could then claim it as an "official" birthday.
Now if only next Tuesday was the 1 year anniversary of my blog starting.